Breast Reduction Surgery in Dalton & Chattanooga

Also serving Calhoun & Cartersville in North Georgia

Some women struggle with overly large breasts that become heavy and uncomfortable, especially for someone with an active lifestyle. Carrying the weight of overly large breasts can make every day a "long day." Large breasts can become so restricting that it's difficult to wear certain types of clothing or engage in certain physical activities. Women are often surprised how obtaining relief from their daily back, neck, and shoulder pain can change their life in so many meaningful ways. Breast reduction surgery has the ability to restore self-confidence and comfort in social and professional environments. Dr. Joel Williams performs breast reduction at his Chattanooga-area / Dalton plastic surgery practice in his accredited surgery center.

Contact Williams Plastic Surgery for details about breast reduction surgery near Chattanooga.

Breast Reduction Candidates

Suitable breast reduction candidates may experience one of the following:

  • Large and heavy breasts that cause weight-bearing pain in the neck, back or shoulders.
  • Indentations on the skin from the bra straps digging into the shoulders.
  • Feelings of embarrassment when wearing certain types of blouses.
  • Difficulty playing certain sports or trying certain physical activities that require vigorous movement (e.g., running, aerobics).

Breast reduction candidates should be in good physical and psychological health and not smoke. Breast reduction candidacy is typically determined during a personal consultation with Dr. Joel Williams. He will want to discuss the patient's motivation for wanting surgery, as well as her medical history, lifestyle and expectations for what her breasts should look like.

Breast Reduction Surgery

There are three objectives of breast reduction surgery: first, removing excess breast tissue, second, removing excess skin, and finally, lifting and shaping the breasts to a more pleasing form. Breast reduction is performed at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Dalton that is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

Dr. Williams has extensive experience using the latest breast reduction technique whereby the whole procedure is done through a vertical or "lollipop" incision. This innovative cutting-edge technique has the benefits of creating a shapelier, naturally projecting breast while eliminating the boxy, square and flathead look of older "inverted-T" reduction procedures. The patient also enjoys not having the lengthy horizontal incision under the breast, as well as a shorter recovery. Patients can wear any kind of bra, including underwire, immediately after surgery.

During breast reduction, Dr. Williams makes an incision around the areola and continues the incision vertically down to the breast crease. Through the incision, he removes excess tissue, fat and skin; he also moves the nipple and areola higher on the chest. In most cases, Dr. Williams is able to keep the nipple attached to the underlying tissue, but in rare cases he needs to detach it completely and graft it into a new position. Liposuction may be incorporated to contour the area under the armpit.

The incisions are closed with stitches under the skin leaving no external stitch marks, and the patient recovers in our facility's recovery center. Dr. Williams takes the extra time to place all stitches under the skins surface where they later dissolve, leaving no unsightly stitch marks.


Recovering from Breast Reduction

After the anesthesia has worn off and the patient has returned home under the care of a loved one, she should limit vigorous activity for several days, avoiding any strenuous activity and following all of Dr. Williams' postoperative instructions. It's important to keep the surgical incision sites sterile to prevent infection. The breasts will be sore, bruised and swollen, but these symptoms are temporary. Dr. Williams will also prescribe pain medication to use if needed. Breast reduction Chattanooga patients will be able to return to work or their normal activities at Dr. Williams' advisement. Full recovery usually takes several weeks with the final breast shape taking form in several months.

Breast Reduction Benefits and Risks

Breast reduction can alleviate serious discomfort that stems from having large and pendulous breasts, removing this painful distraction and allowing patients to instead focus on other areas of life they find rewarding. It can also improve a woman's self-confidence and make it easier for her to wear certain types of clothing and be a participant rather than a spectator. The breasts will no longer be the first thing that people see when she walks into a room.

Be sure to carefully consider the potential risks of breast reduction before scheduling surgery. Risks include unfavorable scarring, excessive bleeding, infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, anesthesia-related complications, breast asymmetry, blood clots and irregularity in breast contour or shape. Working with a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of breast reduction experience will improve the chances of a complication-free experience.

If you would like to learn more about breast reduction surgery, please contact plastic surgeon Dr. Joel Williams today.