Tummy Tuck in Dalton & Chattanooga

Also serving Calhoun & Cartersville in North Georgia

For some people the midsection is practically impossible to whittle down through diet and exercise. Men may call it a "spare tire" and women may refer to it as a "muffin top" but despite the nickname, extra abdominal fat can make anyone self-conscious. Also, without intervention, the effects of pregnancy on the abdomen can last a lifetime. Dr. Joel Williams, a plastic surgeon in Dalton, can surgically remove fat from the waistline and tighten the abdominal musculature for a slimmer physique through tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery.

Learn more about tummy tuck and contact our practice for more details or to schedule a consultation.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

Good tummy tuck candidates in Chattanooga usually have excess skin and fat on the stomach or abdominal muscle weakness. Women who have been pregnant often notice a little "pregnancy pooch" that cannot be burned off at the gym. Or, as people age they may notice their abdomen sags unattractively. Dr. Williams works with these types of patients very frequently. To qualify for tummy tuck surgery, however, patients should be in good general health and not plan to gain weight or become pregnant, as weight gain can diminish the effects of tummy tuck surgery. They must be non-smokers or quit smoking for several weeks prior and after the procedure.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck is generally performed as an outpatient procedure at our accredited surgical center. During tummy tuck, Dr. Williams makes an incision right above the pubic hairline from one hip bone to the other. The position can be varied to suit each patient's individual tastes. The incision should be low enough that it is hidden in a "low ride" bathing suit, but this is not possible in all cases. Dr. Williams may make an additional incision around the belly button, allowing it to be remodeled into a more youthful appearance. Through the incision, he carefully separates the skin from the underlying tissue. The muscles are tightened and stitched into place. Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is pulled out and repaired with sutures then closed over the incision with sutures. Tummy tuck has several variations for patients' diverse needs. For example, a mini tummy tuck is performed when only a small amount of fat below the belly button needs to be removed and the skin above the belly button is tight. In cases of extreme skin laxity, a panniculectomy is performed on patients who have an apron of skin, or a pannus, hanging from the lower abdomen underneath the belly button. This procedure is usually performed on patients who experience skin irritation from the pannus.


Recovering from Tummy Tuck Surgery

Dalton / Chattanooga abdominoplasty patients will feel swollen, sore and bruised after the procedure. Discomfort can be treated with pain medications. Dr. Williams may encourage patients to wear an abdominal binder or support garment for a week or two. Strenuous activities or heavy lifting is not allowed. At your follow-up appointments, Dr. Williams will clear you to return to your normal daily activities.

It's critical to comply with Dr. Williams' postoperative instructions to decrease the risk of complications. Improperly caring for the incision, letting excess fluid or blood build up or not taking prescribed antibiotics is very risky.

What are the Results of a Tummy Tuck done by Dr. Williams?

All tummy tuck patients will expect to have a flatter and firmer midsection. But there are a few details our surgeon and staff keep in mind when it comes to tummy tuck results. Abdominoplasty expert Dr. Joel Williams believes the scars from tummy tuck procedure should be subtle. There should not be any obvious misalignment of the nave or unnatural scarring around it.

Although some scarring is inevitable after tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Williams performs the procedure in such a way that the very faint scars can be hidden underneath swim wear and clothing. In all honesty, any procedure that involves cutting of the skin will lead to the development of some scar tissue. But our talented surgeon makes sure that this inevitable scarring is unnoticeable.

Chattanooga patients are strongly encouraged to bring swim wear before their operation, so that together with Dr. Williams they can strategically plan where the scar can be hidden. Overall, it is our goal to make sure that our tummy tuck procedure has produces natural-looking results.

Benefits and Risks of Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck will tighten and restore tone to the midsection, making a trip to the pool or beach a more comfortable experience while expanding wardrobe choices. It repairs stomach muscles that can even improve the tilt of the pelvis, and with proper diet and exercise the results can last a lifetime.

Risks of tummy tuck include those common to most surgical procedures and include infection, bleeding, accumulation of fluid (called a seroma), excessive or unfavorable scarring and (rarely) blood clot formation in the legs. Patients with a family or personal history of blood clots or clotting disorders should make Dr. Williams aware so that special precautions can be taken to reduce their risk. Obesity, smoking (including secondhand smoke) and diabetes can increase the likelihood of complications.

Contact Williams Plastic Surgery today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Williams and have all of your questions answered.